Presentation Details
For Talks
Talks should be 12 minutes long, leaving 3 minutes for discussion. Please provide your presentation at least the day before to Andrew Daly ( There will be a PC and Mac computer available for presenting your talk. The Mac will be running the latest Sierra OS and version of keynote and powerpoint. The windows machine will be running the latest versions of Windows and Office.
For Poster
Poster dimensions should be no more than 42 inches (106 cm) wide by 48 inches (122 cm) high.
For Flash Talks
Flash Talks should be 3 minutes long and consist of 2 slides (without animations). The idea is to briefly present the aim of the study and the key findings, basically to generate interest among the participants to come visit your poster. Please submit your presentation by August 21. We will assemble all presentations onto one computer to streamline the process.