Travel Award Support
InterRidge has kindly provided funding for ten (10) US$ 500.00 Student and Postdoc Travel Awards to increase the participation of students and postdocs at the symposium. The Travel Awards will be distributed on a need basis to students and postdocs who are presenting research falling under the scope of InterRidge, broadly defined as ‘From ridge crest to deep-ocean trench: Formation and Evolution of the Oceanic Crust and Its Interaction with the Ocean, Biosphere, Climate and Human Society‘ ( In your request, please address briefly how your research relates to the scope of InterRidge and provide an explanation for your financial need. Awardees will be selected from the applicant pool by the scientific committee. Please submit your request by email to
Friday, June 2 is the deadline for submitting applications for InterRidge Travel Awards.
Deep-Sea Biology Society Award Opportunities
Travel Award: 6th International Symposium on Chemosynthesis-Based Ecosystems (CBE6)
Deadline: 1st June 2017
The Society would like to invite applications for awards towards travel to CBE6. These awards are open to any members of the society and can be used towards any costs associated with attendance and presentation (oral or poster) at the symposium. The maximum amount that can be requested is GBP 750. Awards will be based on both the quality of the abstract and evidence of financial need. Successful applicants will be required to write a short blog post, report or video blog for the Society website about their experience at the Symposium.
Prize for best student Talk and Poster: 6th International Symposium on Chemosynthesis-Based Ecosystems (CBE6)
No Deadline
The Society will award one-year free membership of the Society and a 50 GBP cash prize to the best student oral and poster talks at CBE6.
For more information and to apply for these Society awards please go here.